"Son, she ain't sexy but she's safe."

- My Dad

I wrote songs when stereos were large and immobile.

Microphones had wires and alarm clocks didn't. Synthesizers and amplifiers were steam powered.

Click for  SONGZ

The first rule of advertising:

"Tell the truth. It's easier to remember and your customers will respect you for it." Thanks, Spike, for the words to live by. You were a good dog. 


Into the great unknown.

It's awkward jumping out of an airplane at 13,000 feet with a large Greek gentleman strapped to your back. And then you're really glad to have a large Greek gentleman strapped to your back.


Got my ears on.

Drop John a line. Or throw him a rope. Or toss him a bone. Okay I'll stop.

Updated October 7, 2016


(317) 759-4455